Tuesday, September 3, 2013

East Coast of Corfu - Lunch in Agni - Koloura - Avlaki Bay

On Sunday, Sept 1 we decided to take a break from cleaning, repairing and other projects and explore some more of this wonderful island.

We took our new scooter, (and new helmets) and ventured up a very windy road with many switchbacks (this is the way many roads are here) up the east coast.

I had met a lovely woman at a cafe in Corfu Town who told me that if we went this direction, we must eat in Agni so we decided to go there for lunch.

The road down to Agni from the main road was steep with very tight switchbacks and a lovely stone wall.  Lined with tall Cypress trees like the ones in Tuscany, it was a very pretty drive.  There are no photos of this as I was hanging on!!!

Once at the bottom, there are a few flat spots where cars can park and there are 3 Tavernas which are right on the beach.

The smells emanating from the Tavernas were making us very eager to eat here.  They were all quite busy which is no surprise as we discovered the food here is very special.

We had lunch at Taverna Agni which has a fantastic atmosphere and the food did not disappoint us.  It was more interesting than the typical greek fare and very fresh and nicely presented.  The beer was cold and the wine crisp and fresh.

Rob had prawns grilled in a white wine sauce and I had prawns swimming in a hot pot of tomatoes and feta cheese.

After a great lunch/early dinner we scooted further up the coast and stopped in at another bay, Koloura.  Further up the coast, we took another road down to the sea and found a large bay at the top of Corfu called Avlaki.

Avlaki Bay had a good strong 15-18 knot wind blowing in from the North West which is typical here compared to the still waters in Agni and Kouloura.

We sat on the beach enjoying the fresh breeze before heading back to Gouvia.  

Having spent a number of hours balancing on the back of the new scooter, I got up the courage to pull out the I Phone and took some great photos as we scooted up and down and around the hills and mountains on the way back to Gouvia.

We passed an ATV on the road which I took a photo of.  We have seen so many of these here.  They are rented as vehicles to get around island which is odd to us as we would use them off road.  (Although some of these roads feel off road even though they are not!)  Rob was surprised how fast they can go!!!


               View from our Table at Taverna Agni

  Fresh Fish at Taverna Agni

                A View To the Bay and the Specials Board!

                Nice Prawns Rob!

                Great Afternoon!!!

Rob's Desert - Fresh Lemon Yoghurt

                Bakvalva with Extra Walnuts - Mmmmmm

                View Looking South toward Old Corfu

Bougainvillea   -   It is Everywhere on Corfu  

                Rob Enjoying the New Scooter

                It's Small but is getting us Around Corfu!

                Koloura Bay - Albania Just a Short Distance Off to the Left

                View from a Look Out Point at Kethros Looking North - Albania in the Background

                ATV - They Rent them here and they are everywhere - Amazing how fast they speed on the roads

                Where Are We? 

                Avlaki Bay at the Top of Corfu

                Wind Blown - Avlaki Bay

                Avlaki Bay - Very Quiet with Few Tourists - Nice Spot!

                Olive Grove - We pass Many of These on Corfu


Wall and Stairs up to an Olive Grove

  More views from the Scooter as we Travel south on the East Coast back to Gouvia

                That's all folks!  

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