Thursday, July 25, 2013

Motor from Cavtat, Croatia to Tivat, Montenegro

We motored over to the customs wall at Cavtat on July 21 in the morning around 10:30am. 

Mackenzie and I stayed with the boat while Rob checked us out of Croatia.

As we motored out of the Harbour, a fabulous sailing yacht, the Canica from Norway motored right next to us. 

It was quite an amazing sail boat.  I have included a photo I found of it under sail to show how magnificent it is.

Despite some rolling swell, we made pretty good time along the coast to the mouth of the Bay of Kotor.

As we turned the corner we met with 17 knot winds!  This was fabulous as we could sail but sadly, Rob forgot he was wearing his new Euro hat and it flew into the sea.

We attempted to pluck it with the boat hook but it sank too quickly.  

We raised the sails and were able to sail all the way in on a broad reach.  This was a pleasant way to arrive back in Tivat.

The views here really are special and we enjoyed them as much as we had when we had left 2 weeks ago for Croatia.

We were able to dock at Porto Montenegro and they took care of customs for us which was a delight.

We were quick to get ourselves over to Al Posto Guisto, our favourite Italian Restaurant here for dinner.

Pizza all around and off to bed.

           Norwegian Sailing Yacht, Canica - 150 feet - 15 Million Dollars after a price reduction  

                Coast of Croatia on the way to Montenegro - If you look closely, you can see where folks have carved out a path in the rocks to get to the sea

                Quite a precarious location for a Summer Home!

                Small indents all along the coast - The water is very pretty inside them when the sunlight hits them at the right angle

                The fort built for WW2 at the entrance to The Bay of Kotor

                Last photo with Rob's favourite hat....

                Quite an estate home we passed on our way through the bay

                The view of Herzig Novi and Montenegrin Mountains in the Background

    An RC44 Racing Yacht

  Very elite European One Design Class
This one is owned by someone from Montenegro

                More lovely views and Parasailing

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