Saturday, October 5, 2013

Drive Through Greece to Meteora

Well, this was an adventure all its own.

We took some crazy roads that led us on switchbacks and through small farming villages across the country.

It took us through mountains and back into valleys. The trip took almost 5 hours with the back road tour and stopping to enjoy some of the scenery and take some good photos for the blog.

We were most surprised when we drove through  the agriculture areas to see endless fields of cotton growing.

Most of it had just been harvested and the roads were littered with soft cotton caught in the trees and grasses on the edges of the highways.

I did some homework and Greece is the 10th largest producer of raw cotton in the world.  Who knew?

We also spotted fields of pomegranates which was really neat to see how they grow.

Of course, we saw many flocks of sheep and herds of goats.  They have bells which ring as they graze and make a wonderful sound.

We were getting close to our destination passing through a city called Trikala.  I noticed some school children at the side of the road with Greek flags.  This caught my attention and I noticed a girl in a white outfit with Olympic Rings.

We had found part of the Olympic Torch Run from Greece to Sochi.

We parked the car and 20 minutes later we were able to watch the torch be passed from one runner to the next. 

Amazing Luck and an exciting end to our day.

                Up in the Clouds Leaving Delphi

  Pomegranate Tree!

                Pomegranates - They were growing individually as well as in these clusters

                Mountain Lake with Damn - We were quite high in the mountains here

                Mountain Cows - The one by the Stop Sign refused to Move for us!

                Cotton Field - One of the Last to be Picked for the Season

   Cotton bursting from its Pods

                They were like Puffy Flowers...

                Olympic Torch Runner - She is on the Greek National Olympic Math Team and was chosen to participate for her brain as opposed to her braun which she told me was very strange

                Every one is waiting to watch the Torch be Passed...

  The Torch is Delivered to the Runner and instructions given on how to operate it....

  Ready and waiting....  The Designs of the Olympic Torches are always so artistic...

                Here he comes...

                The Flames Join - The Torch is Passed 

  See you in Sochi!

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