Thursday, July 25, 2013

Polace, Sail to Prozura

On July 19, we motored around the top of Otok Mljet to the anchorage at Polace.

Polace is a deep inlet that is very protected at the north west side of Mljet.  It is part of a national park and there are lots of interesting places to anchor other than the main one near the town.

We decided to anchor near the town so we could go to shore for lunch.

We went ashore and had a nice lunch of grilled calamari and picked up some groceries.

We headed back to the boat and the National Parks people were collecting a fee so given that we were not going ashore again today we elected to motor down the coast.

This turned out to be quite a lovely evening passage and we were able to get south to Prozura where we had been a number of days before. (Where we ate the Scorpion Fish)

This is truly one of the prettiest anchorages and I am sure if we are on Mljet in the future we will be sure to stop and spend time here again.

We anchored and had a nice quiet evening ready to head to Dubrovnik the next morning.

                View of across the Mljetski Kanal looking at the Peljesac Penninsula which is a very large penninsula attached at it's south end to the mainland of Croatia  


Almost sunset...

Kenzie relaxing and enjoying the views...

Back in Prozura for a restful night in a great harbour!

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