Monday, July 15, 2013

Sail from Otok Korcula to Otok Scedro - Wonderful Anchorage - Fixing the Dinghy Engine

On Sunday, July 14, 2013 we set out from the island of Korcula to the island of Scedro.

I thought I should clarify that in Croatian, "Otok" means island and "Luka" means harbour.

Otok Scedro  is a small island half way up the length north to south of Otok Hvar which is an island we will visit in a couple of days.  The best anchorages are at the North end of Hvar and it is a very long sail so we stopped at the half way point which is Scedro.

What a lovely place!!

There are really only two anchorages and we chose the smaller of the two because the larger one was very busy.  It was very calm and out of the swells which made for a peaceful sleep.
There were only 5 boats including The Lodge at the smaller anchorage, Monastir and it was lovely.  The water was a beautiful colour and very clear so we really enjoyed the swimming.

Project man (Rob) was in the dinghy and had the engine completely apart as soon as we anchored.  He pulled apart everything, carburetor, jets, you name it....

Turns out there was some corrosion in the carburetor which was causing all the problems.  After cleaning everything and clearing all the lines, the engine purred like a kitten.  We were mobile again!

Mackenzie, Rob and I went for a great swim and snorkel although there is not much to see here.  It certainly makes us appreciate all the wonderful things we saw snorkeling in the British Virgin Islands.

The other thing we appreciate about the BVI's is wind.  There has really been no wind here at all.  This is fine as there is so much to enjoy in Europe but for any of you who are into sailing, July and August  are really calm here.  Sounds like Toronto doesn't it?

A nice young man passed by our boat to collect the fee for the mooring ball - or so we thought.  He was actually selling home made Lemon-cello, white wine, and Lavender oil.  There was no fee for the ball so we bought white wine, Lemon-cello, and some amazing Lavender oil.  The Lodge will smell lovely now!!!

We had a great barbecue dinner of sausage, veggies, and Milka Chocolate ice cream for desert.

We had a quiet evening and were off to Otok Vis in the morning.


                Pulling apart the engine, carburetor, and anything else Rob could disassemble to get the engine working!

                Sunset at Luka Monastir, Scedro

                The incredible colour of the water at our anchorage at Scedro

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