Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cruise to Gaios - Capital of Paxos

Today, Sunday Sept 8, we left the turquoise waters of Lakka and headed down the east coast of Paxos.

We stopped in at Loggos, a lovely harbour with a fishing village and continued on to Gaios, the capital of Paxos.

Gaios can be very crowed in the summer and we are so fortunate to be here now when it is really not so busy and we can enoy this lovely place.  We entered from the south and followed a 'river' around a two islands to town.

The views were awesome!

We settled on heading back down the 'river' and out and around the islands to anchor as we found the water quite shallow and lots of boats pass through leaving wake.  I took some great photos as we passed through.

The concept of the "No Wake Zone" is unheard of here.

After anchoring the boat, we loaded our dinghy with our two folding bikes and headed into Gaois.

We just finished an amazing lunch of Orange Risotto with large Prawns and Prawns w Spaghetti.  For starters, we had a fresh Rocket Salad (Arugula) with Poppy Seed coated Local Goat Cheese and fresh fruit. ( Green Apples, Kiwi, Oranges...)  Rob finished with home made ice cream and biscotti.

Dinner will not be necessary tonight!

We will now head off for a bike ride to burn some of those calories!!!

                Fishing Village of Loggos - Paxos

                Close Up of Loggos

                Island we passed Entering Gaios - Capital of Paxos

                "River into Gaios"

   Really Different Approach and Shallow

      Views of Interesting buildings as we cruise into Gaios

                Gorgeous Building - Deep Blue Sky


                Fresh Rocket Salad with Citrus and Local Goat Cheese coated with Poppy Seeds

                Large Prawns w Spaghetti for Rob...

                View from the Mediteraneos Taverna in Gaios

                We are Having FUN!!!!

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