Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Anti - Paxos - Cruise 40 nm to Lefkas

On Monday, we woke in Gaios and decided to trip over to Anti-Paxos, a small island just south of Paxos. 

You can reach Anti Paxos by boat taxi in under 30 minutes from Gaios which many do in order to enjoy it's beaches.  There are very few people living on the island.  In 2001, the population was 64.

Apparently they produce some lovely wines and we are sure the population rises in the summer months when the Taverna's on the beaches open to the boaters and beach goers.

There are no real overnight anchorages here due to the swells but lovely places to explore by day.

We headed to the famed Emerald Bay which had great turquoise water but too much wind and swell for today.  We left and went around to the other side of the island and found a wonderful bay.

We were the only ones there which was really neat but of course, others came seeing that we were there.

We took the dinghy out to a nearby bay and did some snorkeling and exploring which was really great.

At around 2:30pm, we left and decided to try to get to the bottom of Lefkas which was almost 40 nautical miles to the south.

The wind was in our favour and we were able to average 6.5 knots which got us there in just over 6 hours.

We pulled carefully into Vasiliki Bay at 9:10pm and set anchor.  The bay was calm and we had the best sleep we have had in a few days which was welcomed!

  Statue in Gaios with The Lodge Anchored in the Background just outside the Harbour - The "Green Man"  George went out to sea to set fire to the Turks to prevent them from invading in 1821.  He was wounded, captured and burnt alive but remains a hero in Gaois.

                Needle Fish Swimming on the Surface just off the back of the boat in the late afternoon

                Surprise - A Really good Fireworks Display with a Great View from our Gaios Anchorage!

                Anti-Paxos    Cool....


                Many great views here...

   Inside a "pseudo Cave"

                Great Water for Swimming

         Exploring the neighboring bays

        Post Card!!!!

         On our Way to Another Bay

     We Anchored the Dinghy Here and did some Snorkelling....


                White Pebble beach...

       View from the White Pebbles...

     We were sad to leave here.... 

                Another cool "pseudo Cave"

                Another Post Card!  The rock and colours here were really wonderful!  

                View from our Anchorage at Anti-Paxos

                Boat Traffic Enroute to Lefkas...

                Western Shore of Lefkas - We are Headed to the very bottom 

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